se é um sonho


…que ninguém me belisque.


10 responses to “se é um sonho”

  1. Fer Avatar

    que linda! usando o copo!! :-)))))

  2. C. Avatar

    Tãããããoooo lindaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  3. palmeidalapa Avatar

    eheheheehehe! muuuito bem!

    palminhas! … cuidado, olhó copo!

  4. rhya Avatar

    Hola Rosa

    I am a doll maker from Toronto.I found your site from visiting Loobylu.s blog. I went to your site to check out your work, your dolls and web design are wonderful! Are they for sale? I must apologize for my lack of Spanish. I wish I could speak more, I was a mess when I visited Mexico, I kept saying hola for hello and goodbye, it was very embarrassing.

    You can check out my work at an online gallery here:

    This is a great site started up for artists to display their work in and start dialogues about art all for free. You should totally put some work up.

    Anyways, just wanted to say you have a new fan in Toronto!!


    rhya tamasauskas

  5. teresa/sushi Avatar

    parbens par a e. que já sabe beber pelo copo! Só espero que não seja a agua do banho!

  6. Encantada Avatar

    Pois, suspeito que seja mesmo a à gua do banho. Cá em casa seria… A e. está linda!

  7. rosa Avatar

    quem nunca bebeu água do banho que atire a primeira pedra ;)

  8. ^KooKa^ Avatar

    àguinha directamente do copito e totalmente independente (a E., claro) a matar a sede. . .=)


  9. mago Avatar

    …tem mesmo ar de ervilha cor de rosa ;-)