Esta tarde, na varanda:
O velo branco desta tosquia, depois de lavado e antes de ser estendido a secar.
A A. com um dos meus lenços novos. Fi-los com retalhos de riscados portugueses (salvos da trituradora) a pensar no vestir das mulheres alentejanas e acrescentei-lhe os biquinhos que povoam muitas das nossas mantas e taleigos.
From this afternoon, in the balcony:
The white fleece i’ve got from António the shepherd a few days ago. Washed and ready to dry under the sun.
A. wearing one of my new scarves in the old Alentejo way. The colors are inspired by the blues and greys of the women’s work clothes and the prairie points come from many of our traditional quilts and taleigos.
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