Month: February 2015

  • biquinhos de crochet

    [instagram] #maximalism > beautyfying everyday kitchen towels with crochet edgings is the pastime of choice of uncountable portuguese (older) women, thus keeping their hands busy at times once used for spinning, mending or knitting socks. large bold ‘joyful’ prints and bright yarns are always preferred over lighter ‘minimalistic’ palettes, discarded as too plain or simply […]

  • #àsvezeslánomeumonte

    Uma semana a sul. Do meu instagram: a bata, principal elemento do traje popular feminino contemporâneo > the smock, worn daily by most women in rural areas of portugal #alentejo #latergram from #alentejo > having dinner with sr manuel and sra emília who live in an isolated “monte” with their cows, pigs, sheep, goats and […]

  • taleigo ♥

    Poucos dias antes de ter ido ver a exposição Boro tinha estado a reparar um taleigo muito antigo e invulgarmente bonito que precisava de um remendo e de cordões e borlas novas para voltar a ser usado. Estes sacos contam a mesma história do patchwork rural japonês: são, como o boro, pequenos quadros em que […]